OF WEBSITE FOR PROVIDING E-COMMERCE SERVICES e-commerce trading floor (hereinafter referred to as “”) is a product of Vin3S Joint Stock Company, a company established and operating under Certificate of Business Registration No. 0106892021 issued by Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment on July 3rd, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "Vin3S Company” or “Vin3S”).

With the mission of providing customers with a quick and convenient channel for searching and trading cars and e-scooters, is defined as a trading method of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), creating an unprecedented online channel for online sale and purchase of cars and e-scooters in Vietnam. is a breakthrough, with the spirit of pioneer in changing the habit of sale and purchase of cars and e-scooters in the market for transparency, modernity, time and cost savings for both Customers and the society.

1. General rules and regulations

  • is an e-commerce trading floor for Merchants who have demand for posting news to offer products or related services and have signed a contract with to use e-commerce services and/or other services on (hereinafter referred to as the "Merchant").

  • Customers participating in a transaction on mean any individual with full civil act capacity and from 18 years of age or older and having assets to make transactions to purchase Products on; and all organizations established and operating legally in accordance with the law of Vietnam. The Cusomters are required to register to declare mandatory personal information before being recognized and allowed to use the service provided by or related to (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”).

  • Products and services involved in transactions on must fully meet the provisions of relevant laws, not being prohibited from trading and advertising as prescribed by the law (hereinafter referred to as "Products").

  • All trading activities on must be carried out openly and transparently, ensuring the interests of both the Merchant and Customer. The Merchant will be fully responsible to the Customer for all matters related to Products provided by Merchant on in any case.

  • By participating in transactions on, it shall be deemed that the Merchant/Customer have carefully read their rights and obligations and agreed to be bound by the Regulations on Operation of E-commerce Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) in effect at the time the Merchant/Customer makes transactions.

2. Transaction Procedures

2.1 Transaction Procedure for the Customer

  • Step 1: The Customer registers an account on website for the best support from on technical or dispute related issues arising from transactions posted at

  • Step 2: The Customer searches for Products of his/her needs; carefully review the relevant information and choose suitable Products to put in his/her order (hereinafter referred to as the “Order”).

  • Step 3.1 - for Automotive products - The Customer confirms the terms of the deposit and makes payment by bank transfer or via payment gateway.


Step 3.2 - for E-scooter products, Accessories and Services - the Customer pays for his/her Order by bank transfer or via payment gateway.

  • Step 4: The Customer completes signing the Contract at the Merchant's office/showroom/business premises.

  • Step 5: The Customer completes the payment as per the payment schedule.

  • Step 6: The Customer receives products as prescribed.

2.2 Transaction Procedure for the Merchant

The Merchant's transaction procedure shall comply with the contract/agreement between the Merchant and (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”), whereby:

The Merchant shall make the following steps:

  • The Merchant signs the Contract with;

  • The Merchant provides information/images/content of Products for posting on in accordance with the Contract and these Regulations;

  • The Merchant shall pay commission fee as agreed in the Contract;

  • The Merchant shall be fully responsible for the settlement of the Customer's complaints and disputes related to Products provided by the Merchant on

Procedure for posting information on the website

  • Step 1: Receiving product information for sale from the Merchant through service contracts;

  • Step 2: Approving or controlling information according to the approved internal procedure and regulations in respect of the information provided by the Merchant for posting on the website. If the information is correct as prescribed, continue with step 3. Requesting the Merchant to amend and supplement the information if the information provided is not correct.

  • Step 3: Posting information on the website homepage as prescribed.

  • Step 4: Checking again the new postings. Amending inaccurate information and supplementing information right after detecting and posting corrected information about inaccurate information.

3. Warranty Policy E-commerce Trading Floor applies warranty policy according to manufacturer's regulations.

4. Return policy

The Customer is not entitled to return Products after the Merchant has issued invoices.

5. Protection of Customer Information

Purpose for collection of personal information

Main data on our E-commerce Trading Floor to be collected includes: Member account information (Full name, login password, email and phone number). needs the Customer to provide this information as a required condition when signing up to use the service to enable to contact the Customer and confirm when the Customer registers to use the service on the website to ensure the interests of the Customer. E-commerce Trading Floor will also use both personally identifiable information and some non-personally identifiable information (such as cookies, IP address, browser type and total date, etc.) to increase our responsiveness to the Sites and Services, and to develop new functions, features and services according to evolving trends and interests.

The Member will be solely responsible for the confidentiality and storage of all services using activities under his/her registered name, password and email box. In addition, the Member is responsible for promptly notifying of the illegal use, abuse, breach of information security, keeping the registered name and password of the third party to take appropriate measures.

The Customer is responsible for protecting their account information and not providing any information related to account and password when accessing to other websites except when logging into official website of at is not responsible for problems arising in case of the Customer’s access to from other websites that are not the official website of

Scope of use

Vin3S uses the information provided by the Customer to:

  • Provide services to the Customer;

  • Give notices of information exchange activities between the Customer and E-commerce Trading Floor;

  • Prevent activities to destroy Member Account of the Customer or counterfeit activities;

  • Contact and deal with the Customer in special cases;

  • The Member’s personal information shall not be used other than for the purpose of confirming and contacting transactions at E-commerce Trading Floor;

  • In case required by law: E-commerce Trading Floor is responsible for cooperating in providing Customer information at the request of judicial authorities, including: Procuracy, courts, police agencies related to certain law violations of the Customer. In addition, no person shall infringe personal information of the Customer participating in

Information storage duration;

Personal data of the Customer may be stored until there is a request to cancel or the Customer logs in his/her account and performs the cancellation. During the storage, the Customer's personal information will be kept confidential on the servers of E-commerce Trading Floor.

Persons or organizations that may have access to Customer Information: shall not provide Customer Information to any third party except at the request of the competent State authorities, or as required by law, or when the provision of such information is necessary for to provide services/utilities to the Customer (for example: providing necessary delivery information for payment partners, ...), or the cases listed in item (*)

Apart from the above cases, shall give specific notice to the Customer when it is required to disclose Customer Information to a third party. In this case, commits to disclose Customer Information only with the consent of the Customer.

(*) may share Customer Information for the following purposes:

Market research and analysis reports: may use Customer Information for our market research, summary and analysis of general information of customers (e.g. average age, geographic area), details shall be hidden and only used for statistical work. In case conducts a survey that requires the participation of the Customer, any response to the survey or opinion poll that provided by the Customer to shall not be passed on to any third parties.

Exchange of Customer Information with partners that have signed agreements on customer care association with may share Customer Information with affiliated partners and domestic and international affiliated websites of This sharing enables to provide the Customer with information about products and services, information related to goods, services and other matters that the Customer may be interested in. In case affiliated websites of Vin3S are granted access to Customer Information, they will be required to strictly adhere to the provisions of this Policy.

Exchange of Customer Information with third parties that are partners and agents of Vin3S: may transfer Customer Information to agents and Merchants for data analysis, marketing and customer service support. may also exchange Customer Information with third parties for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.

Exchange of Customer Information with advertising partners: Customer behavior tracking system used by on the advertising display channels (for example customer remarketing, DoubleClick advertising campaign management system, report on demographics and preferences of customers with Google Analytics tool, etc.) may collect information such as age, gender, interests and interactions with ad impressions. With the ad settings feature, the Customer can choose to remove the Google Analytics Customer behavior tracking feature and choose how the advertising display channel appears on Google.

Exchange of Customer Information with other business units that plans to merge or acquire: In this case, shall request such units to strictly comply with this Policy.

Address of information collection and management unit, including contact details to enable consumers to ask about the collection and processing of information related to themselves:


No. 7, Bang Lang 1 Street, Vinhomes Riverside Ecology Urban Area Hung Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City.


Tel.: 0435651092

Methods and tools for the Consumer to access and correct his/her personal data on the e-commerce system of the information collection unit:

The Member has the right to self-check, update, adjust or cancel his/her personal information by logging in to his/her personal account and correcting information or requesting E-commerce Trading Floor to do this.

The Member has the right to submit a complaint about personal information disclosure to a third party to the Webmasters Board of E-commerce Trading Floor. Upon receiving these feedback, shall confirm the information and be responsible for answering the reason and guide the Member on information recovery and security.

6. Management of information with bad purposes

Neither the Customer nor the Merchant shall be allowed to use utilities for illegal purposes including frauds, threats, and spread of viruses that damage the system, configuration and transmission of information of and its partners. Violating Customer/Merchant shall be held responsible for their actions before the law.

Neither the Customer nor the Merchant shall provide or influence to be provided with information that is untrue or defamatory information or information that discredits and/or other Merchants and/or Customers in any form.

Vin3S reserves the right to take necessary measures to censor and review information posted on Any violation shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations and the laws of Vietnam. In addition, Vin3S has the right to terminate the Contract if the Merchant is in violation of the Contract. has the right to decide to keep or remove information posted on the website without prior notice for all products that violate the regulations of this website and are prohibited by the State. Posted information shall be checked continuously for the purpose of reminding the Merchant to provide accurate information and Products not prohibited by the State to ensure legitimate common interests of the Customers.

The information posted on must satisfy the requirements below:

  • Language: The information is expressed using non-vulgar, non-offensive and non-abusive language and has no anti-state content

  • Service information: must be verified before posting

  • Images: Must be consistent with the product; no anti-state images shall be used

The Webmasters Board of shall censor all information before being posted on and before reaching the service users.

Regulations on sanctions:

  • shall handle both intentional and unintentional violation against the above prohibited acts by the Merchant as follows:

  • Violation for the first time: shall send an email to the violating Merchant, enclosed with the content that violates the Regulations to notify and request the Merchant to remove such content.

  • Violation for the second time: shall send an email to the violating Merchant, enclosed with the content that violates the Regulations to notify, and at the same time remove all contents that violates the Regulations. The Merchant will have to contact Webmasters Board of to continue posting Products.

7. Responsibility in case of technical errors shall maintain its technical system in a stable and safe state and ensure its compliance with legal regulations relating to the provision of e-commerce services and conducting online transactions. However, Vin3S is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by the Customer arising from transactions on, unless such damages or losses are caused by intentional fault of Vin3S.

Right and responsibilities of Vin3S

Rights of Vin3S:

To request disclosure of: Name and office address of the Merchant, organization or name and permanent address of individuals; number, date of issue and place of issue of the Merchant’s business registration certificate, or number, date of issue and place of issue of the organization's establishment decision, or individual's personal tax code; phone number or another online contact method of the Merchant.

To request the Merchant to exercise his/her rights and obligations in accordance with the Contract between Vin3S and the Merchant.

To request the Customer to provide accurate, honest and up-to-date information when conducting transactions on

To refuse, suspend or immediately terminate, at any time without the Customer's consent, the Customer's membership and the right to access/use the Customer's trading account on (hereinafter " Account") if Vin3S considers that continuing to allow the Customer to conduct transactions may cause damage to and/or other Merchants on However, Vin3S shall notify the Customer in advance of the suspension or termination.

To keep the copyright of the form and content on in accordance with the law on copyright. To clarify, intellectual property and property rights in respect of the website including but not limited to the interface, design and layout of images and information at belong to Vin3S. The use of interface, design, layout of images and information at must be approved in writing by Vin3S.

Responsibilities of Vin3S:

To register to set up a website providing e-commerce trading floor services in accordance with the Law and to publish the registered information on the website homepage.

To develop and publicly publish on the website the regulations on operation of e-commerce trading floors as provided for in Article 38 of Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP; to monitor and ensure the implementation of such regulations on operation of e-commerce trading floor.

To request the Merchants on the e-commerce trading floor to provide information as prescribed in Article 29 of Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP when registering to use the services.

To apply an inspection and supervision mechanism to ensure that Merchant information on the e-commerce trading floor is provided accurately and completely.

To store registration information of Customers participating in the e-commerce trading floor and regularly update changes and supplements to relevant information.

To take necessary measures to ensure the security of information relating to the Merchant's business secrets and the Customer's personal information.

To take measures for prompt handling when detecting or receiving a report on business acts in violation of the law on e-commerce trading floors.

To assist state management agencies in investigating illegal business acts, providing registration information, transaction history and other documents on subjects committing law violations on the e-commerce trading floor.

To publicly announce settlement mechanism for disputes arising during transactions on the e-commerce trading floor. To provide the Customer with information about the seller, to actively assist the Customer in protecting his or her legitimate rights and interests in case the Customer is involved in a conflict with the seller on the e-commerce trading floor or his/her legal interests are damaged.

To prevent and remove from the website information on the sale of goods and services prohibited by the law and goods and services restricted from trading as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 3 of Circular No. 47/2014/TT-BCT.

To remove from the website information on the sale of counterfeit goods, smuggled goods and other illegal goods and

services when detecting or receiving a factual reflection on these information.

To request the sellers of goods or services included in the list of goods and services in conditional business lines to

provide on their website Certificates of business eligibility for such goods or services (in case the Certificates of

business eligibility is required by law).

To prepare and publish on the website the regulations on operation in compliance with the provisions of Laws.

To take the responsibility as third parties for providing information about goods and services to the Customer in accordance with the Law on Protection of Consumers' Rights.

Rights and responsibilities of the Merchant on website

Rights of the Merchant participating in the E-commerce Trading Floor:

To introduce and advertise the Merchant and his/her Products on in accordance with Regulations on Operation of;

To sell Products on in accordance with the Regulations of Operation and the Contract signed between the Merchant and Vin3S (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract");

Other rights as provided for in the Contract and the law.

Responsibilities of the Merchant participating in E-commerce trading floor:

To disclose information including: Name and office address of the Merchant, organization or name and permanent address of individuals; number, date of issue and place of issue of the Merchant’s business registration certificate, or number, date of issue and place of issue of the organization's establishment decision, or individual's personal tax code; phone number or another online contact method.

To provide sufficient and accurate information to enable the Customer to accurately determine the characteristics of the goods or services in order to avoid misunderstanding when deciding to enter into a contract.

To ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of information about goods and services provided on the application.

To provide information about his/her business situation at the request of a competent state agency to serve e-commerce statistics.

To ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of information about goods and services provided on the e-commerce trading floor.

To comply with the provisions of the Law when applying the online ordering function on the e-commerce trading floor.

To provide information about his/her business situation at the request of a competent state agency to serve e-commerce statistics.

To fulfill tax obligations as prescribed by law.

To comply with regulations of law on payment, advertising, protection of intellectual property rights, protection of consumers' rights and other relevant law provisions when selling goods or providing services on the e-commerce trading floor.

To settle all Customers' complaints and disputes regarding the Merchant's purchase of Products on in accordance with the Contract and the Regulations on Operation.

The Merchant must ensure compliance with the provisions of the Contract.

To compensate for damages suffered by Vin3S and/or the Customer due to the Merchant's violation of the Regulations on Operation and/or Contract.

Rights and responsibilities of the Customer (buyers, service users ...) on

Rights of the Customer participating in the E-commerce Trading Floor:

To register for a free Account with his/her own username and password to conduct transactions on

To be free to buy Products on in accordance with the Regulations of

To make complaint against the Merchant about any issue arising in connection with the Merchant's purchase of Products on

To request protection from the competent authority in case a dispute with the Merchant is not satisfactorily settled.

Other rights as provided for in the Contract and the law.

Responsibilities of the Customer participating in E-commerce trading floor:

To be responsible for the confidentiality and storage of the registered name and password of his/her email box and promptly notify Vin3S of the unauthorized use, abuse, security violation of the username and password.

When performing a transaction on, the Customer will have to provide some specific information as requested from time to time. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the information provided by the Customer to is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

When opening a Account, the Customer is responsible for protecting his/her username and password and monitoring the information related to Account. The Customer will be responsible in case his/her Account is used by anyone accessing his/her Account.

To compensate for damages suffered by Vin3S and/or the Merchant due to Customer's violation of the Regulations of

To immediately notify Vin3S at the address provided in Regulations of when there is a complaint about Products and/or the Merchant on

To comply with the Regulations and the Terms and Conditions of Transactions.

Other obligations as provided for in the Contract and the law.

To assign responsibilities between the Merchant/organizations and partners (sellers, suppliers, etc.) in solving problems arising from transactions conducted on the website/application with the Customer

The Merchant shall be fully responsible for the settlement of the Customer's complaints and disputes related to Products provided by the Merchant on

The Customer take responsibility for ensuring that the information provided by him/her is complete and accurate and always updating such information to ensure its completeness and accuracy. is not responsible for settling any disputes if the information provided by the Customer is inaccurate or not updated or falsified.

Vin3S is responsible for assisting the Customer in resolving disputes arising with the Merchant after receiving notification from the Customer.

The Merchant is responsible for settling all Customers' complaints and disputes regarding the Merchant's purchase of Products on in accordance with the Contract between Merchant and

The Customer has the right to request protection from the competent authority in case a dispute with the Merchant is not satisfactorily settled.

Dispute settlement procedure:

Step 1: Vin3S Customer Care Department shall receive the Member's complaints while the Sales Department shall accept the Customer's complaints. These Departments shall settle quickly and immediately provide results of complaint settlement based on the policies announced by Vin3S.

Step 2: In complicated cases or where it is not specified in the policies announced by Vin3S, the Customer Care Department/Sales Department commit to respond to the Customer within 7 days.

Step 3: Such Departments shall transfer the result of complaint settlement to related parties for implementation (Vin3S departments responsible for related issues such as: Sales Department, Consulting Department, etc.; the Merchant; Sellers on; etc.) and confirm the result of complaint settlement with the Customer via phones.

Commitments and application provisions:

  • The Regulations shall take effect immediately after being posted on reserves the right to amend the Regulations by making a public announcement on The revised Regulations shall take effect 05 (five) days after the notice of amendment of the Regulations is posted on

  • In case of any discrepancy in the contents specified in the Regulations, the Contract, Terms and Conditions of Transactions, the following priority order shall apply: The Regulations; the Contract; and Terms and Conditions of Transactions.

  •, Merchants and the Customer are committed to comply with these Regulations.

  • Official contact address of


No. 7, Bang Lang 1 Street, Vinhomes Riverside Ecology Urban Area Hung Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City.

Tel.: 0435651092.


Purpose for collection of personal information:

Main data on our E-commerce Trading Floor to be collected includes: Customer account information (Full name, login password, email and phone number). needs the Customer to provide this information as a required condition when signing up to use the service to enable to contact the Customer and confirm when the Customer registers to use the service on the website to ensure the interests of the Customer.

Information about Merchants providing products on the floor: Name and office address of the Merchant, organization or name and permanent address of individuals; number, date of issue and place of issue of the Merchant’s business registration certificate, or number, date of issue and place of issue of the organization's establishment decision, or individual's personal tax code; phone number or another online contact method. E-commerce Trading Floor will also use both personally identifiable information and some non-personally identifiable information (such as cookies, IP address, browser type and total date, etc.) to increase our responsiveness to the Sites and Services, and to develop new functions, features and services according to evolving trends and interests.

The Customer will be solely responsible for the confidentiality and storage of all services using activities under his/her registered name, password and email box. In addition, the Customer is responsible for promptly notifying of the illegal use, abuse, breach of information security, keeping the registered name and password of the third party to take appropriate measures.

The Customer is responsible for protecting their account information and not providing any information related to account and password when accessing to other websites except when logging into official website of at is not responsible for problems arising in case of the Customer’s access to from other websites that are not the official website of

Scope of use:

Vin3S uses the information provided by the Customer to:

  • Provide services to the Customer;
  • Give notices of information exchange activities between the Customer and E-commerce Trading Floor;
  • Prevent activities to destroy Account of the Customer or counterfeit activities;
  • Contact and deal with the Customer in special cases;
  • The Customer’s personal information shall not be used other than for the purpose of confirming and contacting transactions at E-commerce Trading Floor;
  • In case required by law: E-commerce Trading Floor is responsible for cooperating in providing Customer information at the request of judicial authorities, including: Procuracy, courts, police agencies related to certain law violations of the Customer. In addition, no person shall infringe personal information of the Customer participating in

Information storage duration:

Personal data of the Customer may be stored until there is a request to cancel or the Customer logs in his/her account and performs the cancellation. During the storage, the Customer's personal information will be kept confidential on the servers of E-commerce Trading Floor.

Persons or organizations that may have access to Customer Information: shall not provide Customer Information to any third party except at the request of the competent State authorities, or as required by law, or when the provision of such information is necessary for to provide services/utilities to the Customer (for example: providing necessary delivery information for payment partners, ...), or the cases listed in item (*) below.

Apart from the above cases, shall give specific notice to the Customer when it is required to disclose Customer Information to a third party. In this case, commits to disclose Customer Information only with the consent of the Customer.

(*) may share Customer Information for the following purposes:

Market research and analysis reports: may use Customer Information for our market research, summary and analysis of general information of customers (e.g. average age, geographic area), details shall be hidden and only used for statistical work. In case or a third party authorized by to conduct a survey requires the participation of the Customer, any response to the survey or opinion poll that provided by the Customer to shall not be passed on to any third parties.

Exchange of Customer Information with partners that have signed agreements on customer care association with may share Customer Information with affiliated partners and domestic and international affiliated websites of This sharing enables to provide the Customer with information about products and services, information related to goods, services and other matters that the Customer may be interested in. In case affiliated websites of Vin3S are granted access to Customer Information, they will be required to strictly adhere to the provisions of this Policy.

Exchange of Customer Information with third parties that are partners and agents of Vin3S: may transfer Customer Information to agents and Merchants for data analysis, marketing and customer service support. may also exchange Customer Information with third parties for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.

Exchange of Customer Information with advertising partners: Customer behavior tracking system used by on the advertising display channels (for example customer remarketing, DoubleClick advertising campaign management system, report on demographics and preferences of customers with Google Analytics tool, etc.) may collect information such as age, gender, interests and interactions with ad impressions. With the ad settings feature, the Customer can choose to remove the Google Analytics Customer behavior tracking feature and choose how the advertising display channel appears on Google.

Exchange of Customer Information with other business units that plans to merge or acquire: In this case, shall request such units to strictly comply with this Policy.

Address of information collection and management unit, including contact details to enable consumers to ask about the collection and processing of information related to themselves:

No. 7, Bang Lang 1 Street, Vinhomes Riverside Ecology Urban Area Hung Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City.
Tel.: 0435651092

Methods and tools for the Consumer to access and correct his/her personal data on the e-commerce system of the information collection unit:

The Customer has the right to self-check, update, adjust or cancel his/her personal information by logging in to his/her personal account and correcting information or requesting E-commerce Trading Floor to do this.

The Customer has the right to submit a complaint about personal information disclosure to a third party to the Webmasters Board of E-commerce Trading Floor.

Upon receiving these feedback, shall confirm the information and be responsible for answering the reason and guide the Customer on information recovery and security.

Customers may submit complaints at the following address:

No. 7, Bang Lang 1 Street, Vinhomes Riverside Ecology Urban Area Hung Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City.
Tel.: 0435651092

Please note that your access our Website means your agreement with these Terms and Conditions. We may, at any time, change, amend, supplement and remove these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. After changes to these Terms and Conditions are posted, you continuing to use our Website means you acceptance with such changes.

Please check regularly for updates on our changes.

1. Account

• You are required to satisfy the above conditions when registering an account. You can choose to create an account and provide certain information, including a valid email address and a password. You are required to register for an account with authentic information about yourself and update in case of any changes. Each visitor is responsible for his/her password, account and activities on the Website. Furthermore, you are required to notify Vinfastauto when your account is accessed without your permission. We do not accept, whether directly or indirectly, any responsibility for damage or loss caused by your failure to comply with our regulations and instructions. By providing your information, you agree that we may contact you regarding your interest in our company by Email, by phone or any other means based on the contact information provided by you.

• reserves the right to refuse, for any reason, your request to open an account or access to our Website or service.

• You can request to delete your account by notifying via Email/Hotline for support. Regardless of your account deletion, you are still responsible and liable for any unfinished transactions (incurred before or after your account is deleted). Then, you shall, pursuant to the terms of use, contact after completing the implementation to complete such unfinished transactions. is not responsible and liable for any loss arising from any of your actions in connection with this.

2. Transactions on reserves the right to cancel confirmed orders in the following cases:

• False information about Products (including but not limited to prices, features, product categories, conditions, offers, etc. applicable to the Products) during your transactions on due to loopholes, system failures, errors and mistakes

• Your failure to satisfy the conditions to participate in the transactions and/or intentional provision of inaccurate information during the transactions.

• Violation of the provisions of the Promotion Policy.

• Failure of to contact you three (03) times or more within twenty four (24) hours since your deposit payment.

3. General terms

• reserves the right, at any time, to change, modify, suspend or terminate all or any part of website or Services in accordance with the law. is not responsible if the release of the Services or their features with a trial version that may not be true or completely identical to the final version. reserves the right to restrict some features or your access scope to part or all of Website or Services without notice or responsibility.

• These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Vietnam. Any disputes, discrepancies or complaints arising out of/or relating to the content of these Terms and Conditions will be settled by negotiation in good faith within thirty (30) days. In case no agreement is reached within thirty (30) days, the above disputes or complaints shall be submitted to a competent court for settlement. E-commerce website ( uses different types of Cookies for the following main purposes:

• When you access for the first time, Cookies will allow the storage of your navigation options such as language and country;

• uses Google Analytics tools;

• Cookies will store your search activities and related information.

Below are detailed information about Cookies:

1. Essential cookies

These are cookies necessary to provide you with available services through and to use some of their features, such as access to secure areas.

You cannot reject essential Cookies as they provide the Customer with services at your request through the Website. You may block or delete Cookies in your browser settings.

2. Functional cookies

These Cookies enable you to use key features on and to access secure areas such as purchasing Products or accessing your personal accounts. Disabling Cookies, you will not be able to use these features which may result in some inconveniences as follows:

• Failure to access some items of;

• Restriction on the services can provide to you;

• Failure of to remember your preferences. shall not use data collected from these Cookies for marketing purposes.

3. Analytical/Performance Cookies

Performance Cookies enable to improve the performance and functionality of the Website and detect any bugs during your use of the Website.

In addition, these Cookies this type of cookie collects information about how visitors use website, including information about time spent on each page and the number of visits per page, error messages shown, and clicks in certain areas of the website. With these cookies, count and analyze the number of Products and Services purchased and clicks associated with our marketing investments. shares these information with our partners. shall not use data collected from these Cookies for marketing purposes.

4. Personalization cookies

These Cookies help customize Website when you use and allow to remember your choices and preferences.

The data collected by these Cookies collect includes your country of residence, your language, and your last visit.

Disabling these Cookies, you may encounter some inconveniences as follows:

• Failure to display correctly of some pages on (e.g promotions);

• Restriction on online support provided by;

• Preventing us from storing preferences needed to display or disable certain features.

5. Marketing and Advertising Cookies

These Cookies are used to convey more relevant advertising messages to you. They perform different functions including preventing the same ad from continuously reappearing, ensuring that ads are properly displayed, and in some cases, selecting advertisements relevant to your interests.

These Cookies enable to identify:

• The content of the Website you visited;

• The Products you search;

• Information you chose to share when registering with other websites;

• Websites you visited recently or just before accessing

Marketing cookies are typically placed on by advertising networks. These networks are companies which act as intermediaries between and advertisers. These Cookies are used to:

• Show relevant, personalized advertisements and offers related to the service you are searching through intermediary medium (Email, social media, banner ads) based on your visit to and click behavior on;

• Limit the number of times each advertisement is displayed;

• Measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign;

• Create a link with social media, so you will be recognized when you wish to use social media through is committed to protecting your data privacy. therefore abides by the following two principles

• shall not attach any information to your Cookies that can be used to identify you personally. shall not use Cookies to retrieve your address, date of birth, phone number or any other information that may be used to identify you.

• shall not provide any of your personal information to advertisers or third parties that display our advertisements.

If your computer or phone is used by several people, or if it contains several web browsers, content corresponding to your preferences may be displayed to other users.

If desired, you can change your browser settings to disable Cookies.

To assist you in the process of learning how to block new Cookies, receiving notification of new Cookies or disabling Cookies, we have provided links to the “Help desk” of some of the most popular web browsers:

• Internet Explorer™:,

• Safari™:,

• Chrome™:,

• Firefox™:,

• Opera™:

For more information about how Cookies or targeted marketing works, please visit the Websites: and

1. Mục đích thu thập thông tin cá nhân:

Việc thu thập dữ liệu chủ yếu trên Sàn thương mại điện tử bao gồm: Thông tin về Họ tên, email, số điện thoại... Đây là các thông tin mà Sàn thương mại điện tử cần Khách Hàng cung cấp khi sử dụng dịch vụ và để liên hệ xác nhận khi Khách Hàng đăng ký sử dụng dịch vụ trên website nhằm đảm bảo quyền lợi cho Khách hàng.

Sàn thương mại điện tử cũng sẽ sử dụng cả thông tin nhận diện cá nhân của khách hàng và một số thông tin nhận diện phi cá nhân (như cookies, địa chỉ IP, loại trình duyệt, ngày tổng số, v.v.) để gia tăng khả năng đáp ứng của chúng tôi về phương diện các Trang và Dịch Vụ, cũng như về phát triển những chức năng, tính năng và các dịch vụ mới theo những xu hướng và sở thích đang diễn tiến.

Khách hàng sẽ tự chịu trách nhiệm về bảo mật và lưu giữ mọi hoạt động sử dụng dịch vụ dưới tên đăng ký, mật khẩu và hộp thư điện tử của mình. Ngoài ra, Khách hàng có trách nhiệm thông báo kịp thời cho Sàn thương mại điện tử về những hành vi sử dụng trái phép, lạm dụng, vi phạm bảo mật, lưu giữ tên đăng ký và mật khẩu của bên thứ ba để có biện pháp giải quyết phù hợp.

Khách Hàng có trách nhiệm bảo vệ thông tin tài khoản của mình và không cung cấp bất kỳ thông tin nào liên quan đến tài khoản và mật khẩu truy cập trên Sàn thương mại điện tử trên các website khác ngoại trừ khi đăng nhập vào địa chỉ chính thức của Sàn thương mại điện tử tại

Sàn thương mại điện tử không chịu trách nhiệm về những vấn đề phát sinh khi Khách Hàng truy cập vào Sàn thương mại điện tử từ các website khác không phải là website chính thức của Sàn thương mại điện tử

2. Phạm vi sử dụng thông tin:

Công ty TNHH Kinh doanh thương mại và Dịch vụ VinFast (“Công ty”) sử dụng thông tin Khách Hàng cung cấp để:

- Cung cấp các dịch vụ đến Khách Hàng;

- Gửi các thông báo về các hoạt động trao đổi thông tin giữa Khách Hàng và Sàn thương mại điện tử;

- Ngăn ngừa các hoạt động phá hủy tài khoản Thành viên của Khách Hàng hoặc các hoạt động giả mạo Khách Hàng;

- Liên lạc và giải quyết với Khách Hàng trong những trường hợp đặc biệt;

- Không sử dụng thông tin cá nhân của Khách hàng ngoài mục đích xác nhận và liên hệ có liên quan đến giao dịch tại Sàn thương mại điện tử;

- Trong trường hợp có yêu cầu của pháp luật: Sàn thương mại điện tử có trách nhiệm hợp tác cung cấp thông tin Khách Hàng khi có yêu cầu từ cơ quan tư pháp bao gồm: Viện kiểm sát, tòa án, cơ quan công an điều tra liên quan đến hành vi vi phạm pháp luật nào đó của Khách Hàng. Ngoài ra, không ai có quyền xâm phạm vào thông tin cá nhân của Khách Hàng tham gia vào Sàn thương mại điện tử

• Thời gian lưu trữ thông tin:

Dữ liệu cá nhân của Khách Hàng có thể được lưu trữ cho đến khi có yêu cầu hủy bỏ hoặc tự Khách Hàng đăng nhập và thực hiện hủy bỏ. Trong thời gian lưu trữ, thông tin cá nhân Khách Hàng sẽ được bảo mật trên máy chủ của Sàn thương mại điện tử

• Những người hoặc tổ chức có thể được tiếp cận với thông tin Khách Hàng:

Sàn thương mại điện tử không cung cấp Thông Tin Khách Hàng cho bất kỳ bên thứ ba trừ trường hợp phải thực hiện theo yêu cầu của các cơ quan Nhà nước có thẩm quyền, hoặc theo quy định của pháp luật, hoặc khi việc cung cấp thông tin đó là cần thiết để Sàn thương mại điện tử cung cấp dịch vụ/tiện ích cho Khách Hàng (ví dụ: cung cấp các thông tin giao nhận cần thiết cho các đơn vị đối tác thanh toán,…), hoặc các trường hợp được nêu tại mục (*) dưới đây.

Ngoài các trường hợp nêu trên, Sàn thương mại điện tử sẽ có thông báo cụ thể cho Khách Hàng khi phải tiết lộ Thông Tin Khách Hàng cho một bên thứ ba. Trong trường hợp này, Sàn thương mại điện tử cam kết sẽ chỉ tiết lộ Thông Tin Khách Hàng khi được sự đồng ý của Khách Hàng.

(*) Sàn thương mại điện tử có thể chia sẻ Thông Tin Khách Hàng cho các mục đích sau:

Nghiên cứu thị trường và các báo cáo phân tích: Sàn thương mại điện tử có thể dùng Thông Tin Khách Hàng để nghiên cứu thị trường, tổng hợp, phân tích thông tin chung của Khách Hàng (ví dụ độ tuổi trung bình, khu vực địa lý), thông tin chi tiết sẽ được ẩn và chỉ được dùng để phục vụ công việc thống kê. Trong trường hợp Sàn thương mại điện tử hoặc bên thứ ba được Sàn thương mại điện tử ủy quyền tiến hành khảo sát cần sự tham gia của Khách Hàng, bất kỳ câu trả lời cho khảo sát hoặc thăm dò dư luận mà Khách Hàng cung cấp cho Sàn thương mại điện tử sẽ không được chuyển cho bất kỳ bên thứ ba nào.

Trao đổi Thông Tin Khách Hàng với các đối tác có ký kết thỏa thuận liên kết chăm sóc Khách Hàng với Sàn thương mại điện tử Sàn thương mại điện tử có thể chia sẻ Thông Tin Khách Hàng cho các đối tác liên kết và các trang thông tin điện tử liên kết trong nước và quốc tế của Sàn thương mại điện tử Việc chia sẻ này giúp Sàn thương mại điện tử có thể cung cấp cho Khách Hàng các thông tin về các sản phẩm và dịch vụ, liên quan đến hàng hóa, dịch vụ và vấn đề khác mà Khách Hàng có thể quan tâm. Trong trường hợp các liên kết của Công ty được cấp quyền truy cập Thông Tin Khách Hàng, họ sẽ phải tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt các quy định được mô tả trong Chính Sách này.

Trao đổi Thông Tin Khách Hàng với các bên thứ 3 là đối tác, đại lý của Công ty: Sàn thương mại điện tử có thể chuyển Thông Tin Khách Hàng cho các đại lý và Thương nhân để làm phân tích dữ liệu, tiếp thị và hỗ trợ dịch vụ Khách Hàng. Sàn thương mại điện tử cũng có thể trao đổi Thông Tin Khách Hàng với bên thứ ba cho mục đích chống gian lận và giảm rủi ro tín dụng.

Trao đổi Thông Tin Khách Hàng với các đối tác quảng cáo: Hệ thống theo dõi hành vi của Khách Hàng được Sàn thương mại điện tử sử dụng trên kênh hiển thị quảng cáo (ví dụ như tiếp thị lại Khách Hàng, hệ thống quản lý các chiến dịch quảng cáo DoubleClick, báo cáo về nhân khẩu, sở thích của Khách Hàng với công cụ Google Analytics...) có thể thu thập được các thông tin như độ tuổi, giới tính, sở thích và số lần tương tác với số lần xuất hiện của quảng cáo. Với tính năng cài đặt quảng cáo, Khách Hàng có thể lựa chọn thoát ra khỏi tính năng theo dõi hành vi Khách Hàng của Google Analytics và lựa chọn cách xuất hiện của kênh hiển thị quảng cáo trên Google.

Trao đổi Thông Tin Khách Hàng với những đơn vị kinh doanh khác mà Sàn thương mại điện tử có kế hoạch sáp nhập hoặc mua lại: Trong trường hợp này, sẽ yêu cầu những đơn vị đó tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt theo Chính Sách này.

• Địa chỉ của đơn vị thu thập và quản lý thông tin, bao gồm cách thức liên lạc để người tiêu dùng có thể hỏi về hoạt động thu thập, xử lý thông tin liên quan đến cá nhân mình:

Công ty TNHH Kinh doanh thương mại và Dịch vụ VinFast

Số 7, đường Bằng Lăng 1, Khu đô thị sinh thái Vinhomes Riverside, phường Việt Hưng, quận Long Biên, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam


Điện thoại: 024 39749999

• Phương thức và công cụ để người tiêu dùng tiếp cận và chỉnh sửa dữ liệu cá nhân của mình trên hệ thống thương mại điện tử của đơn vị thu thập thông tin:

Khách hàng có quyền tự kiểm tra, cập nhật, điều chỉnh hoặc hủy bỏ thông tin cá nhân của mình bằng cách đăng nhập vào tài khoản cá nhân và chỉnh sửa thông tin hoặc yêu cầu Sàn thương mại điện tử thực hiện việc này.

Khách hàng có quyền gửi khiếu nại về việc lộ thông tin cá nhân cho bên thứ 3 đến Ban quản trị của Sàn thương mại điện tử Khi tiếp nhận những phản hồi này, Sàn thương mại điện tử sẽ xác nhận lại thông tin, phải có trách nhiệm trả lời lý do và hướng dẫn Khách hàng khôi phục và bảo mật lại thông tin. shall make every effort to ensure that the information, images and materials about Products on are correct at the time of publication. However, reserves the right to change Product information without prior notice. Official information shall be provided and specified in sales agreements and contracts.

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Vui lòng đọc kỹ các điều khoản và điều kiện về việc đặt cọc mua xe VinFast này (“Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc”) trước khi quyết định đặt bất kỳ sản phẩm nào từ Bằng việc xác nhận đồng ý với nội dung Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc và hoàn tất việc chuyển tiền đặt cọc, Khách Hàng được hiểu rằng đã đọc, hiểu và đồng ý với tất cả các điều khoản và điều kiện của Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc. 
1.1.    Để đảm bảo cho việc giao kết hợp đồng mua bán xe ô tô VinFast (“Hợp Đồng Mua Bán”) sẽ được ký kết trực tiếp giữa Khách Hàng và Công ty TNHH Kinh Doanh Thương Mại và Dịch Vụ VinFast (MSDN: 0108926276) (“VinFast Trading”), Khách Hàng đồng ý đặt cọc cho VinFast Trading để mua xe ô tô VinFast với thông tin về sản phẩm được Khách Hàng lựa chọn và xác nhận (“Đơn Hàng”) cùng với Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc này, theo các nội dung dưới đây.
1.2.    Việc Khách Hàng thực hiện việc đặt hàng, chấp thuận Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc này và thực hiện việc thanh toán Tiền Đặt Cọc (như được định nghĩa dưới đây) cùng với việc VinFast Trading xác nhận Đơn Hàng tạo thành thỏa thuận đặt cọc có hiệu lực pháp lý ràng buộc Khách Hàng và VinFast Trading (“Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc”). Khách Hàng cam kết đồng ý và tuân thủ đầy đủ chính sách bán hàng của VinFast Trading, chính sách của tại thời điểm đặt cọc cũng như toàn bộ nội dung của Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc và Hợp Đồng Mua Bán do VinFast Trading cung cấp.
2.1.    Khách Hàng đặt cọc cho VinFast Trading …VNĐ (Bằng chữ: ...) (“Tiền Đặt Cọc”) để mua xe ô tô nhãn hiệu VinFast với thông tin nêu tại Điều 1 Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc và theo các điều kiện và điều khoản nêu tại Hợp Đồng Mua Bán theo mẫu được VinFast Trading công bố và được chấp thuận bởi Khách Hàng trong quá trình đặt hàng tại (Quý Khách Hàng vui lòng truy cập vào link này để xem lại đầy đủ nội dung Hợp Đồng Mua Bán mẫu).    
2.2.    Khách Hàng chuyển Tiền Đặt Cọc cho VinFast Trading bằng một trong các cách thức sau:
-    Thanh toán qua thẻ tín dụng;
-    Thanh toán qua ATM nội địa;
-    Thanh toán qua chuyển khoản ngân hàng vào tài khoản của VinFast Trading với thông tin như sau:
Tên chủ tài khoản: …
Số tài khoản: …
Ngân hàng: …
Trong vòng 24 giờ kể từ thời điểm nhận được Tiền Đặt Cọc, VinFast Trading sẽ gửi cho Khách Hàng thông báo xác nhận về việc đặt cọc và thời gian, địa điểm ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán. Việc đặt cọc được coi là có hiệu lực kể từ thời điểm Khách Hàng nhận được thông báo xác nhận Đơn Hàng của VinFast Trading gửi từ địa chỉ Email: … (“Thời Điểm Hoàn Tất Đặt Cọc”). 
2.3.    Thời hạn đặt cọc (“Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc”) bắt đầu từ Thời Điểm Hoàn Tất Đặt Cọc tới ngày Hai Bên ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán, nhưng trong mọi trường hợp không muộn hơn 07 (bảy) ngày làm việc kể từ Thời Điểm Hoàn Tất Đặt Cọc. Trong Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc, Tiền Đặt Cọc không phát sinh lãi; Khách Hàng không được chuyển giao hoặc đơn phương chấm dứt Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc hoặc yêu cầu rút lại Tiền Đặt Cọc.
2.4.    Tiền Đặt Cọc được xử lý như sau:
2.4.1    Trong Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc:
(a)     Hai Bên hoàn tất thủ tục ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán thì Tiền Đặt Cọc được chuyển đổi thành khoản thanh toán đợt 1 của Hợp Đồng Mua Bán;
(b)    Khách Hàng không ký Hợp Đồng Mua Bán trong thời gian và tại địa điểm mà VinFast Trading thông báo thì VinFast Trading được quyền chấm dứt hiệu lực của Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc này và giữ lại/sở hữu Tiền Đặt Cọc.
2.4.2    Nếu vì bất kỳ lý do gì mà VinFast Trading không thông báo cho Khách Hàng về thời gian và địa điểm để Khách Hàng tới ký Hợp Đồng Mua Bán muộn nhất vào thời điểm kết thúc Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc thì Khách Hàng được nhận lại toàn bộ Tiền Đặt Cọc, trừ trường hợp các Bên đạt được thỏa thuận mới về thời gian ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán. Trong trường hợp này, ngoài việc hoàn trả Tiền Đặt Cọc, VinFast Trading không phải trả thêm bất kỳ khoản tiền nào khác cho Khách Hàng.
2.4.3    Ngoại trừ các biện pháp xử lý Tiền Đặt Cọc được quy định trong Điều Khoản Đặt Cọc này không Bên nào phải thanh toán thêm bất kỳ khoản tiền nào cho Bên còn lại hoặc phải chịu trách nhiệm theo bất kỳ hình thức nào khác.
3.1    VinFast Trading được quyền chuyển giao quyền và nghĩa vụ của mình theo Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc cho bất kỳ bên thứ ba (bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn các đại lý/nhà phân phối chính thức của VinFast Trading) với điều kiện không làm thay bất lợi quyền lợi của Khách Hàng. 
3.2    Khách Hàng không được quyền thay đổi loại xe, màu xe và các thông số khác với quy định tại Điều 1 bên trên.
3.3    Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc có hiệu lực ràng buộc Các Bên kể từ Thời Điểm Hoàn Tất Đặt Cọc và chấm dứt khi:
3.3.1    Hết Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc nêu tại Điều 2.3 mà Khách Hàng không hoàn tất việc ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán và VinFast Trading quyết định chấm dứt hiệu lực của Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc; hoặc
3.3.2    Hai Bên ký kết Hợp Đồng Mua Bán trong Thời Hạn Đặt Cọc; hoặc
3.3.3    Các trường hợp khác theo thỏa thuận của Hai Bên hoặc theo quy định của pháp luật.
3.4    Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc được điều chỉnh theo pháp luật Việt Nam. Bất kỳ tranh chấp nào liên quan đến Thỏa Thuận Đặt Cọc trước tiên sẽ được các bên giải quyết thông qua thương lượng. Nếu sau 30 ngày kể từ ngày phát sinh tranh chấp mà các bên vẫn không đạt được thỏa thuận thì tranh chấp đó sẽ được giải quyết tại Tòa án có thẩm quyền của Việt Nam. 

Chính sách đổi trả:
Sản Phẩm không áp dụng đổi, trả.
Sản Phẩm được bảo hành tại hệ thống showroom của VinFast và nhà phân phối chính hãng VinFast theo chính sách bảo hành của Nhà sản xuất.
+ Riêng với Chương trình triệu hồi được áp dụng để xử lý miễn phí các lỗi liên quan đến chất lượng và liên quan đến an toàn cho các xe đang lưu hành trên thị trường theo quy định pháp luật.  Chương trình triệu hồi sửa chữa được áp dụng cho cả những xe đã hết thời hạn bảo hành.


1. Commitment to confidentiality
1.1.'s online payment system is provided by intermediary payment service providers (including but not limited to e-payment gateways and e-wallet services) that have been legally licensed to operate in Vietnam ("Payment Partners"). Accordingly, the security standards in online payment ensure compliance with the security standards of Payment Partners.
1.2. Member should not provide payment details, account/card information, password, and other authentication information of the Transaction with any third party in any form of communication. shall not be liable for lost or risks which Member may incur in disclosing payment information.
1.3. Members must not directly or indirectly use, distribute any program, code, tool, or another form to illegally infiltrate, interfere with the system or alter the data structure of and other Members. All violations shall be dealt with under this Regulation and the provisions of law.

2. Security regulations
- International Credit card and domestical Debit card (internet banking) payment policies ensure compliance with the security standards of Payment Gateway Partners including:

  • Customer's financial information will be protected during trading via TLS protocol. The TLS protocol will encrypt all information you provide during the whole transaction.
  • Payment Information Security Standard (PCI DSS) certification is provided by Trustwave. PCI DSS is a globally valuable international security standard established by the Security Standards Council (SSC). By complies PCI DSS, Payment Gateway Partners have participated in protection programs such as Visa's Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, JCB J/Secure or American Express Safe Key.
  • Principles and regulations on information security in the banking and finance industry by regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam.
- The following transaction security policies shall be applied to customer by
  • does not directly store customer card information. The security of customer payment card information is carried out by a licensed Payment Gateway Partner.
  • For international Credit cards: Customer payment card information which can be used to establish transactions will not be stored in database of but rather stored & secured by Payment Gateway Partners.
  • For Debit card (internet banking), will only store order number, transaction codes, and bank names


1. Commitment to confidentiality
1.1.'s online payment system is provided by intermediary payment service providers (including but not limited to e-payment gateways and e-wallet services) that have been legally licensed to operate in Vietnam ("Payment Partners"). Accordingly, the security standards in online payment ensure compliance with the security standards of Payment Partners.
1.2. Member should not provide payment details, account/card information, password, and other authentication information of the Transaction with any third party in any form of communication. shall not be liable for lost or risks which Member may incur in disclosing payment information.
1.3. Members must not directly or indirectly use, distribute any program, code, tool, or another form to illegally infiltrate, interfere with the system or alter the data structure of and other Members. All violations shall be dealt with under this Regulation and the provisions of law.

2. Security regulations
- International Credit card and domestical Debit card (internet banking) payment policies ensure compliance with the security standards of Payment Gateway Partners including:

  • Customer's financial information will be protected during trading via TLS protocol. The TLS protocol will encrypt all information you provide during the whole transaction.
  • Payment Information Security Standard (PCI DSS) certification is provided by Trustwave. PCI DSS is a globally valuable international security standard established by the Security Standards Council (SSC). By complies PCI DSS, Payment Gateway Partners have participated in protection programs such as Visa's Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, JCB J/Secure or American Express Safe Key.
  • Principles and regulations on information security in the banking and finance industry by regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam.
- The following transaction security policies shall be applied to customer by
  • does not directly store customer card information. The security of customer payment card information is carried out by a licensed Payment Gateway Partner.
  • For international Credit cards: Customer payment card information which can be used to establish transactions will not be stored in database of but rather stored & secured by Payment Gateway Partners.
  • For Debit card (internet banking), will only store order number, transaction codes, and bank names

Chính sách đổi trả:
Sản Phẩm không áp dụng đổi, trả.
Sản Phẩm được bảo hành tại hệ thống showroom của VinFast và nhà phân phối chính hãng VinFast theo chính sách bảo hành của Nhà sản xuất.
+ Riêng với Chương trình triệu hồi được áp dụng để xử lý miễn phí các lỗi liên quan đến chất lượng và liên quan đến an toàn cho các xe đang lưu hành trên thị trường theo quy định pháp luật.  Chương trình triệu hồi sửa chữa được áp dụng cho cả những xe đã hết thời hạn bảo hành.

Shipping Policy
Currently, VinFast applies product distribution through our Showrooms and Agents nationwide. Therefore, shipping policy is temporarily not applied to customers purchasing products at the e-commerce floor.

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